2nd Heald Green, based on Brown Lane provides local scouting and a range of activities and events each year.
We are currently supporting the heald green village hall vaccination centre by supplying and erecting our marquees each week at the clinic sessions and some of our members provide volunteer support during the day.
We have our bonfire fundraiser in November and bedding plant sale in May which provide vital funds for the group. We have recently branched out into Christmas Trees and recycling which has been a great success.
We look after 3 planters on Finney lane on behalf of the ratepayers, and are involved in the local litterpicks and other community events such as the heald green festival (come and say hi) as well as supporting local schools and attendance at the remembrance Sunday.
Our building is well equipped with access to our field and activity building for fire building, cooking, pioneering and other activities.
We are open to all young people aged 6 – 18, and are looking to expand our leadership team to provide more scouting due to high demand across all sections. We provide all training and support as well have regular socials with our leadership team who all have a laugh.
Our address is HERE
To join visit our joining page.